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Recent Movie Reviews

56 Movie Reviews

Marvelous. Absolutely marvelous.

Wonderful narration voice! Loved the animation too, it was unique in style.

Gerkinman responds:

Thanks! Im glad you enjoyed it! ^^

Not nearly enough variables!

Recent Game Reviews

10 Game Reviews

As is an option in the game..MY FEELS!
Oh my God this was amazing, and..I wouldn't want to live through what you have, and judging from this..You didn't either, you were forced into chaos and got free from a cage- Ahah, amateur poet..
On a side note, the game was so well made it made me feel like I was living my own life in a way, as if it was a representation of what is to come. Trust me, I had hesitation and regret in all situations, I'm sure you did too. The sympathetic feeling this game has given me felt like I was living your role, set in your shoes with no escape and I only had the reasonable choices, the sensible things to say.
I'm glad you made this, hopefully this could even clear things up for parents to understand what their child feels like in the situation. You did a great job, there's not much else to say..Good luck on your journey through aging, as we'll all need it. ~Neo

I found the place to enter the password, bbuuuutttt..No idea what it is. xD I think I'd need a hint for that, unless it's hidden in some secret area in the game, or in a sentence in the game but no one thinks of using the word. *Shrug* I'm gonna be trying to figure this out for awhile. Also, great game! The game could use some other weapons though, so you could be ranged and close quarters, such as someone else mentioned, a bow, maybe you can find stuff and throw it at the hydra to damage it, if you add such things in? How about throwing knives or just, some sort of throwable weapon!

OctoFlash responds:

:) glad you like the game, yeah i will definitely keep all of those ideas in mind, thanks!

Great game! I loved it before and I still do, I played this years before now, I could never figure out and always died, but now I'm smarter with games, and can get the job done. :3

Recent Audio Reviews

9 Audio Reviews

I didn't expect that ending actually, that surprised me, I thought she would just hide. Then again..In a world where monsters are literally outside your door, ehh, it makes sense. But still, this was really good, creepy, but still good.

headphoamz responds:

Heh! Thank you. Glad you liked :D

This is just perfect. xD *Downloads song and listens to it*

headphoamz responds:

:D <3

Recent Art Reviews

10 Art Reviews

Say what now, Swami? Speak up boy!

Honestly I'm too mesmerized by how simplistic yet amazing this piece of art is to even guess what it's from..

Still an amazing comic, I love how this one just makes you wonder "He's dead, isn't he?" Oh yeah, I can't wait to see your next animation, I'm actually curious as to what it may be about this time..

Age 23, Male

United States

Joined on 11/3/12

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